I have a genuine question to all the Android users: How the hell do you put up with all these updates? The Twitter app has notified me of an update at least twice in this month alone (so far). The What’s New bit only tells me that putting up comments has been made easier (both times).
The file managers are a joke. I really don’t know how people are comfortable entering their DropBox credentials into a third party file manager. Why would you do that?! I am not saying BlackBerry or Google or Apple don’t mine for data, but at least there is SOME pseudo sense of security and trust. Here, we are talking about third party developers. There is a considerable difference.
The Play Store is an eye sore (seriously… what’s with the colour scheme).
The All Apps tab (in Settings) shows stuff like ApnSetterService, AuthenticatorService, CacSmartCardDriverSerice, CaptivePortalLogin, com.android.bla bla bla bla… Customisation ke chakkar mein saala phone ko dustbin banaa rakha hai!
The Calendar icon in the app drawer shows 31. My BlackBerrys (old and new), that are considered to be obsolete, have the calendar icon showing the current date. Probably there is a setting that I haven’t been able to locate yet or THERE ARE OTHER APPS that will let me CUSTOMISE the Calendar icon.
Here is the thing - Not EVERYONE enjoys App shopping/hunting. Not EVERYONE is comfortable installing third party shit (made by developers or companies that some of us haven’t even heard of) on their phone. Is the user now expected to research the developer before installing an APP to make the handset functional / usable?! Or does one just go by the stars/ratings and hope for the best?
The worst part is, there is a strong possibility that there may not be another BlackBerry handset (running BlackBerry OS) coming out. Sucks. Will have to be extra careful with the Classic now.