Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Nation Writes A Letter To Arnab Goswami - The UnReal Times

Thanks Ameeta

Dear Mr. Goswami,

Hope you and your vocal cords are fine. You must be wondering why on earth I would write a letter to you.

I want to categorically state through this letter that I do not demand as many answers as you claim during prime time day in and day out. Indeed, if I were to really start demanding answers to the multitude of issues that my 1.2 billion citizens have to grapple with, I would face a heart-attack and collapse.

The fact is I take most issues, whether it is environmental degradation, gut-wrenching inequality, rampant and unconscionable corruption, in my stride. So when I came to know that a gentleman called Mr. Pareshan, a human rights activist from Mumbai, had filed a case accusing me of being the main reason behind your conducting debates in News Hour, I decided that enough is enough.

Because it is disturbing that Mr. Pareshan has filed a case accusing me of being the main cause of noise pollution not only on earth but also in space – when an astronaut from the International Space Station said that he could hear someone yelling “The Nation wants to know !” between 9-10.30 PM IST. He perceives me to be a bigger culprit than you for demanding answers to irrelevant questions and making you ask them on my behalf.

It is not fair, Mr. Goswami. It is not fair to say that a Nation that never asked a single question all these years and let corruption flourish is now shown to be asking questions and that too, through you!

Who has given you the right to use my name, Mr. Goswami?

This time, the Nation (er…well.. really) demands an answer from you.

The Nation

P.S : Kindly reply to this letter rather than making it a topic for a NewsHour discussion.


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